Amelia’s Children
Дэлгэцнээ гарах: 2024.04.19
R16 | 91 мин ( 1цаг 31 мин )
Найруулагч: | Gabriel Abrantes |
Студио: | Artificial Humors |
Төсөв: | $0 |
When Edward’s search for his biological family leads him and his girlfriend Ryley to a magnificent villa high in the mountains of Northern Portugal, he is full of excitement at meeting his long-lost mother and twin brother. Finally, he will discover who he is and where he comes from. But nothing is as it seems, and Edward will soon learn that he is linked to them by a monstrous secret.
Brigette Lundy-PaineRiley
Carloto CottaEd / Manuel / Artur
Anabela MoreiraAmélia (velha)
Alba BaptistaAmélia (nova)
Rita BlancoSra. Vieira
Beatriz MaiaFilha da Sra. Vieira
Nuno NolascoAnfitrião Companhia Aérea
Sónia BalacóAdvogada
Ana TangAdvogada
Видео (1) | Фото (11)
02 сар
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